Current Webmasters

Thank you for your ongoing dedication to supporting your club’s online presence! The website plays an essential role in building your club’s brand and engaging Wharton and Penn alumni in your region, and we truly appreciate your leadership in this role.

Use the resources below to learn more about your club’s website tools and take full advantage of this resource. 

Website Training

Wharton is pleased to offer new and updated website tools for 2016! Our new website platform, NationBuilder, provides an improved user and webmaster experience, an updated design that better represents the Wharton brand, and allows clubs more options to customize the user experience. 

Our NationBuilder How-To Videos will help you get acquainted with our new website platform tools. You can refer to these videos at any time.

In addition, our team has created a series of Tips and Tools to help you get started quickly using your new website, and learn new features to help you grow your club. 

Finally, join the Global Clubs Team for NationBuilder Training Webinars to view real-time demos based on feedback from club volunteers. These sessions are recorded and archived for on-demand viewing.


Access the Training Videos

Tips and Tools Blog

Club Website Support

Our team is here to help answer your website questions. To streamline website support and ensure that you receive a timely response to your question, please contact the Global Clubs Team directly at [email protected]

 For more details about these and other resources, visit our Website Resources and Support page.